Greetings Alejandro,

On 5/31/21 04:28, Alejandro olivan Alvarez wrote:
> Thank you all for the feedback!
> So, in a nutshell, Rivendell is not meant to do that... it is meant (for
> understandable arguments) to rely on an external/independent recording 
> solution
> (ffmpeg, rotter, whatever...)

I concur with other opinions that this may be outside the scope of
Rivendell. I use liquidsoap ( in a way that is similar
to rotter, but not dependent on JACK. The file output functionality of
liquidsoap allows for saving an audio stream to a time-based series of

> Independently of that, nothing prevents externally recorded materials to be
> ingested in RDLibrary for availability of such materials... Considering that a
> Cart can hold 999 cuts, It wouldn't be hard to setup 12 Dropbox/cart combos,
> that you can use toghether with rdimport to ingest hourly records into... once
> knowing the 'external way' is the way to go that's not a problem at all.
> It would but, in my opinion, a nice feature to have (having the non-linux/IT
> confident user in mind)

My experience has been that in order to run Rivendell, radio stations
need people who are familiar with Linux or systems that emphasize
command line tools as much as GUI tools. And if not familiar with Linux,
then curiosity and motivation to learn about Linux and the command line

   ~David Klann

> Again, thank you all very much.
> Best regards.
> On 5/30/21 2:30 PM, Fred Gleason wrote:
>> On May 30, 2021, at 07:15, Alejandro Olivan Alvarez
>> <
>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi list! ... I'm blowing my mind out of this, pretty standard radio
>>> automation feature (AFAIK systems): A continuous, segmented, in 'Library' ,
>>> recording of aired audio as means of 'legal copy' To my knowledge, this is a
>>> 'pro' feature on automation systems, and not all or 'lite' versions lack it
>>> and depend on an external tool for the task... My bet is Rivendell can do 
>>> it!
>> It can, but not particularly easily. My own take on this has always been that
>> the classic ‘audio logger’ is out-of-scope for Rivendell; the principal 
>> reason
>> being that the primary purpose of a ‘logger’ is to keep track of some
>> particular process (in this case, proper on-air play-out) so as to provide
>> useful data for tracking down anomalies. That being the case, the logger
>> should ideally reside in an entirely separate and independent system from the
>> one being logged, otherwise anomalies in the logged system will tend to
>> contaminate the data captured in the integrated logger as well.
>> Cheers!
>> |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
>> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer         |
>> |                           |             Paravel Systems         |
>> |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
>> |         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
>> |         |
>> |                                                         -- Cicero   |
>> |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
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