While working on another issue, I took a look at /var/log/boot.log. I had recently imported a bunch of music to the library with rdimport. I find these entries in boot.log:

Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART MODIFY 35741" to
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: closed connection 4
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: cleaned up connection 4
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: added new connection 4
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 rdxport.cgi: processing RDXPORT_COMMAND_TRIMAUDIO
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART MODIFY 35741" to
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: closed connection 4
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: cleaned up connection 4
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART ADD 35741" to

First, I don't understand why there are a bunch of Rivendell status stuff in the boot.log to begin with.

Second, where/what is IP address and why is Rivendell sending any notifications to it? Is this a security thing? Is it required? Can I stop it?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
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