I can’t answer the specific rd questions but I can tell you that the 239. 
Address is a multicast address that is only locally relevant. This address will 
not cross a router boundary and requires igmp to be enabled on your switch the 
function properly. 

I’ll let the other guys chime in on what the multicast address is used for. 

N5CWC, 73

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 26, 2021, at 5:29 PM, wa7skg <wa7...@wa7skg.com> wrote:
> While working on another issue, I took a look at /var/log/boot.log. I had 
> recently imported a bunch of music to the library with rdimport. I find these 
> entries in boot.log:
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART MODIFY 35741" to 
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: closed connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: cleaned up connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: added new connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 rdxport.cgi: processing RDXPORT_COMMAND_TRIMAUDIO
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART MODIFY 35741" to 
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: closed connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: cleaned up connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART ADD 35741" to 
> First, I don't understand why there are a bunch of Rivendell status stuff in 
> the boot.log to begin with.
> Second, where/what is IP address and why is Rivendell sending 
> any notifications to it? Is this a security thing? Is it required? Can I stop 
> it?
> -- 
> 73,
> Michael WA7SKG
> "Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
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