On Jul 16, 2021, at 08:51, Alejandro olivan Alvarez 
<alejandro.olivan.alva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been keeping an eye on the changes on the Full Log View widget on 
> RDAirplay for a while while it was playing.... and I think that there's more 
> information there than the one I explained on the operations guide at pag.44 
> ... Has someone some information/guide about that?
> I mean... I see played events get mid-grayed to the past, but skipped events 
> get white... isn't it?

They remain white, because they are still playable (just do ‘make next’ to 
them), whereas greyed-out elements cannot be played (the log will skip over 
them if you try. I know of at least one ‘morning zoo’ type program that makes 
extensive use of this feature to keep track of which spots have been played 
while rearranging the play-out order of said spots in order to join to various 
external live elements (network news, etc) in a timely fashion.

> The deep-green is the playing one, OK, and the light green the next 7 ones 
> (For Main Log, the ones in the left side buttons)... but why do 'T's in the 
> bold-blue lines are removed, but not removed if the blue event is skipped?

They should probably be removed. Call it a bug.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
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