Rivendell 3.5.0, CestOS 7.

I am still having problems with mounting /var/snd on reboot.

I have tried many variations of fstab entries, systemd stuff, and the
[AudioStore]. Nothing seems to work.

Here's an excerpt from the messages file:

Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Configuration file /etc/systemd/system/var-snd.mount is marked executable. Please remove executable permission bits. Proceeding anyway. Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Found ordering cycle on nfs-server.service/start
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Found dependency on var-snd.mount/start
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Found dependency on nfs-server.service/start Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Breaking ordering cycle by deleting job var-snd.mount/start Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Job var-snd.mount/start deleted to break ordering cycle starting with nfs-server.service/start

I removed the executable bits from /etc/systemd/system/var-snd.mount and no longer get that warning, however it still does not mount on reboot. This has really caused us some issues when someone used the computer and /var/snd was not mounted. Carts were created but were only stored on the local drive. Then they did not air from the main on air machine.

Further ideas on getting /var/snd to mount the remote folder on reboot would be greatly appreciated.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
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