
thank you, Helmut, for your fast reply. I must have been blind when i 
was looking over the default config. I found the settings you described 
and they worked well.

Also thank you, John, for the other details, but i have some more 
questions regarding these warnings:

> Helmut Hullen has already pointed out that several of these can be
> whitelisted in the rkhunter.conf file.
>> Info: Starting test name 'possible_rkt_strings'
>> Warning: Checking for possible rootkit strings  [ Warning ]
>> No system startup files found.
>> -> Why is this resulting in a warning if no startup file was found?
> The test is looking for the files which start up various system
> services. Typically the directory is something like /etc/init.d
> or /etc/rc.d. In your case it could not find either, and a system
> without such a directory seems suspicious. Hence the warning.

My FreeBSD has of course a directory /etc/rc.d so any idea why RKH gives 
me a warning?

>> Info: Starting test name 'startup_malware'
>>    Checking for local startup files   [ Warning ]
>> Warning: No local startup files found.
>>    Checking local startup files for malware   [ Skipped ]
>> Warning: No local startup files found.
>> -> Why is this resulting in a warning if no local startup file was found?
> In this case the check is for the file used for local startup
> modifications. Typically something like /etc/rc.d/rc.local or
> rc.sysinit. Again, having no such file is suspicious.

As far as i know FreeBSD does not have those files and i have no idea 
which files are the equivalent to these linux-files. So i do not know 
what directory to set the SYSTEM_RC_DIR and LOCAL_RC_PATH to - my first 
guess would be SYSTEM_RC_DIR=/etc/rc.d and 
LOCAL_RC_PATH=/usr/local/etc/rc.d ?

> I would be grateful if you could let me know what values you use for
> these entries, so that we can include them in RKH by default.

> Different systems will install SSH using different default configuration
> values. However, the software itself defaults to allowing root logins,
> and allowing the less secure SSH protocol version 1. Hence RKH will test
> that these have been disabled in the sshd_config file.

This seems to be different under FreeBSD too. Both settings 
"PermitRootLogin no" and "Protocol 2" are commented out in my 
sshd_config, which is the default on FreeBSD. Root-Login is definitely 
not permitted under FreeBSD out-of-the-box - until now i was quite sure 
about that ;-)

Do i have to add those settings anyway so that RKH recognizes them or 
can i skip these specific tests? Or can RKH somehow "know" the different 
default values under FreeBSD?

Thank you,

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