On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 18:02 -0700, Robert Holtzman wrote:

> /etc/cron.daily looks like this (in part):
> case "$CRON_DAILY_RUN" in
>      [Yy]*)
>         OUTFILE=`mktemp` || exit 1
>         /usr/bin/nice -n $NICE $RKHUNTER --cronjob
> --report-warnings-only --appendlog > $OUTFILE
>         if [ -s "$OUTFILE" ]; then
>           (
>             echo "Subject: [rkhunter] $(hostname -f) - Daily report"
>             echo "To: $REPORT_EMAIL"
>             echo ""
>             cat $OUTFILE
> #          ) | /usr/sbin/sendmail $REPORT_EMAIL
>           ) | /usr/bin/msmtp $REPORT_EMAIL
>         fi
>         rm -f $OUTFILE
>         ;;
>       *)
>        exit 0
>        ;;
> esac
> which looks right but C (I presume that's what it is) isn't my strong
> point.
This is just shell script.

The cron job captures any output from RKH and then emails that using
msmtp. So I would leave the RKH setting MAIL_CMD as "", and let the cron
job handle the email.

I don't know about 'msmtp', but I assume some log file in /var/log
(possibly /var/log/maillog') should contain any errors from the msmtp
command. Also try looking in /var/log/cron.


John Horne                   Tel: +44 (0)1752 587287
Plymouth University, UK      Fax: +44 (0)1752 587001

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