On Tue, 2005-10-11 at 13:43 +0300, Bogdan Lucaciu wrote:
> nu e un raspuns la intrebarea ta, da sigur nu te scoti mai bine cu
> ULOG/ulogd?
> Description: The Netfilter Userspace Logging Daemon
> ulogd is a daemon that listens for Netlink packets generated by
> iptables's  ULOG target. Basically, it's a replacement for syslog for
> logging packets,  and does a much better job - it logs to files, mySQL,
> PostgreSQL and soon  will be able to log remotely.
> ulogd homepage: http://www.gnumonks.org/projects/ulogd

asta se preteaza, bineinteles, daca te intereseaza niste statistici pe
termen mai lung ;)

Bogdan Lucaciu

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