2009/8/5 Alex 'CAVE' Cernat <c...@cernat.ro>:
>> Stie connection tracking-ul NAT-ului si odata ce e established nu trimite
>> pachete prin alta interfata.
> Din cate imi aduc aminte routarea se face inainte de SNAT, si nu stiu sigur
> cat de dependente sau independente erau ultima data.
> Dar ma rog, n-am apucat sa testez cum trebuie arhitectura asta cu 2 gw-uri
> si fara sa precizez explicit care pachet pe unde sa o ia. Dar daca zici ca
> la tine merge fara probleme ....

Intr-adevar, routarea se face inainte de SNAT. Dar kernelul are un
"route cache", care iti permite sa faci round-robin sau random
load-balancing pe N gatewayuri, fara sa-ti strici conexiunile TCP.
Practic decizia de routing se ia la primul pachet al conexiunii, dupa
care se tine in cache.

"When determining the route by which to send a packet, the kernel
always consults the routing cache first. The routing cache is a hash
table used for quick access to recently used routes. If the kernel
finds an entry in the routing cache, the corresponding entry will be
used. If there is no entry in the routing cache, the kernel begins the
process of route selection." (de aici:
http://linux-ip.net/html/routing-selection.html ) sau googleaza "linux
kernel route cache".


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