Dragos Chiriac wrote:

>> Ceea ce spui tu e parolă de controler, platanele au datele reale,
>> nu encriptate. Deci nu e crypto stuff ci doar o parolă ca să vrea
>> să-ți dea acces la date. Uneori s-ar putea să fie suficient,
>> alteori poate vrei mai mult.
> Nu e pe controller, e pe hard disk direct, si erau dstul de strong
> cat sa nu le pot decripta trivial. Like cu hardu pus pe alta masina.
> banuiesc ca era AES, da nu garantez. Nu de alta, da peste v-o 200 de
> ani va spun ce era defapt la ce putere de procesare am disponibila.

Please, nu băga FUD. Îi zicem lui Gogu că vrem ATA password specifications:
Luăm primul link:

*"Removal of an ATA password:* Removing a forgotten or unknown password
from a hard disk is no simple task, whilst all of the data is intact and
stored normally on the surface of the platters, the drive's firmware
will not allow access to the data. Removal of unknown passwords has to
be attempted by professionals with an in-depth understanding of the way
the hard drive works and the changes that are necessary to bypass the
security settings and access the data. Recovery of data is not be
possible by changing the PCB of the hard drive as the password is stored
in the firmware zone on the drive's platters."

În special partea cu "the data is intact and stored normally on the
surface of the platters"...


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