On 16.02.2011 14:18, Lucian Oprea wrote:
> Multumesc pentru ajutor! Orice idee este binevenita, mai ales ca sunt dispus
> sa testez.
> Deoarece am fost intrebati si de altii, ceea ce doresc sa fac este sa
> inlocuiesc actuala structura de AD cu tot ceea ce tine dea cu una pe linux.
> Modificarea trebuie efectuata astfel incat utilizatorii sa simta cat mai
> putin aceasta modificare. Adica ei trebuie sa stie ca share-ul local se
> acceseaza la fel si in acelasi loc, idem pentru imprimante, etc.
> Lucian,


Samba-3 is not, and cannot act as, an Active Directory server. It cannot 
truly function as an Active Directory PDC. The protocols for some of the 
functionality of Active Directory domain controllers has been partially 
implemented on an experimental only basis. Please do not expect Samba-3 
to support these protocols. Do not depend on any such functionality 
either now or in the future. The Samba Team may remove these 
experimental features or may change their behavior. This is mentioned 
for the benefit of those who have discovered secret capabilities in 
Samba-3 and who have asked when this functionality will be completed. 
The answer is maybe someday or maybe never!

To be sure, Samba-3 is designed to provide most of the functionality 
that Microsoft Windows NT4-style domain controllers have. Samba-3 does 
not have all the capabilities of Windows NT4, but it does have a number 
of features that Windows NT4 domain controllers do not have. In short, 
Samba-3 is not NT4 and it is not Windows Server 200x: it is not an 
Active Directory server. We hope this is plain and simple enough for all 
to understand.


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