On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 3:57 PM Mihai Osian <mihai.os...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2020-12-28 02:29, Adrian Sevcenco wrote:
> Salutare! Nu am avut ce face si am zis ca daca tot am facut upgrade la
> comp sa trec si eu civilizat la efi .. ca doar efi-ul e la fel peste tot
> nu? (indiferent de placa de baza sau distro)
> Well.. se pare ca nu chiar .. dupa o unga batalie in care am reusit sa
> pierd doar o parte din /home (ca am facut in graba un --create fara sa
> specific metadata si mi-a fxxck-uit partitia) acum am ajuns sa ma bag cu
> o stupizenie de boot ..
> incep cu sfarsitul :
> imi intra in grub shell unde dau frumos
> configfile (hd0,1)/EFI/fedora/grub.conf si totul pleaca frumos..
> am incercat in toate modurile posibile sa il lamuresc sa plece..
> initial ESP-urile erau in raid1.. desi am mai facut si am la serviciu
> desktopuri cu ESP, / si /home in md-uri (metadata 1.0) astea sunt pe Ubuntu
> si entry-urile de efibootmgr arata complet diferit (dar nu stiu daca de la
> bios-ul respectiv sau de la distro)
> acasa, cu o placa asus (la care a trebuit mult sa caut cum sa dau disable
> la secure boot) si fedora 33, nu vroia sa imi meraga grub2-install-ul decat
> cu no-vram (si am incercat muulte combinatii de boot entry-uri cu
> efibootmgr .. dar nu am gasit cum pot da manual un device path).. bun, am
> desfacut md-ul de la espuri
> (am facut un boot/efi2 unde montez esp-ul 2 si le tin in sync cu systemd)
> si in sfartit a mers grub2-install cu tot cu creatul de boot entry.. doar
> ca tot nu merge ...
> asa ca momentan am un sistem nefunctional (pentru nevasta) la care la boot
> trebuie sa ii spun eu "ba boule incarca configul asta" .. fara doar si
> poate, boul-ul poate sa fie si cel ce scrie mailul acum,....
> So, aveti idee unde poate fi problema?
> Multumesc frumos!
> Adrian
> Verifica daca grub.cfg exista langa fisierul grub64.efi (poate au alt nume
> pe fedora). De exemplu la mine arata asa:
> root@kermit:/home/mike# efibootmgr -v
> *BootCurrent: 0006*
> [...]*Boot0006** ubuntu        HD(1,GPT,*3e62c35b*
> -61b0-4fda-bb85-7d993a1f95f4,0x800,0x100000)/File(
> root@kermit:/home/mike# blkid | grep *3e62c35b*
> */dev/nvme0n1p1*: UUID="AE49-4F7B" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="EFI System
> Partition" PARTUUID="3e62c35b-61b0-4fda-bb85-7d993a1f95f4"
> root@kermit:/home/mike# mount | grep */dev/nvme0n1p1*
> */dev/nvme0n1p1* on */home/mike/tmp *type vfat
> root@kermit:/home/mike# ls */home/mike/tmp/EFI/ubuntu/*
> *grub.cfg*  grubx64.efi
> Mihai

Tocmai am gasit asta, poate te ajuta:


Zice acolo:

*Drop to rescue shell*

*If GRUB loads but drops into the rescue shell with no errors, it can be
due to one of these two reasons: *

   - *It may be because of a missing or misplaced **grub.cfg**. This will
   happen if GRUB UEFI was installed with **--boot-directory** and *
   *grub.cfg** is missing,*
   - *It also happens if the boot partition, which is hardcoded into the *
   *grubx64.efi** file, has changed.*

Iar aici:

*Note:** On Debian/Ubuntu, the generated GRUB core image will include a
baked-in UUID reference to whichever filesystem contains the **/boot**
directory, so you won't be able to just make a copy of either *
*/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/grub.efi** or **grubx64.efi** from the ESP and
transplant it to a removable media: it will just attempt to find the unique
UUID of your **/boot** filesystem and will drop to rescue mode if it won't
find it. If I recall correctly, the GRUB of RedHat/CentOS/Fedora should be
more suitable for transplantation to removable media.*

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