cpaul wrote:
> Oh yes, it reminds me: This thread sparked my interest. I hate bugs that
> I can't work around, so I sat down to find out how the HttpURLConnection
> works in Java. And the thing is, it is quite simple to set a timeout for a
> URL connection in Java if you get down to some subclassing.

Unfortunately you can't create a subclass for URL and hence override
the URL.getConnection() method, as URL is final. This is also annoying
the URL class is flawed in other ways (from the point of view of robot
development) such as using DNS lookups for URL.equals(). Simply changing
url1.equals(url2) to url1.toString().equals(url2.toString()) can double
the speed of a java robot. Why sun felt the need to make this class
final is anybody's guess.

A second point on the subject of java is that Sun have released the
JDK 1.4 beta spec and it has some interesting features which may be
relevant such as regexp classes, improved corba classes, ssl support,


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