Title: RE: [roch-pm] Accessing windows time format?

    I'm not sure... I can't seem to make that data work by filling in any known win32 time-related structures, or by converting it to a large number indicating a time(not even by flipping the bit-ordering).  With more known values, it may be easier to decipher... 

    All Win32 structures are defined in full in the MSDN library(searchable on-line at http://msdn.microsoft.com/). Win32 API calls are documented in full in the same place. As to how to call this from Perl, I'm not sure. I used Perl a bit on *nix, but I've only barely touched ActivePerl on Win32...  I would hope there would be a module you could call win32 functions through-- or at least one you can use COM objects, in which case you can create a simple COM object in VC++ or even VB to wrap the win32 API functions you need. It would probably be easier to directly manipulate the binary, if you can decipher it...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Mathis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 5:21 PM
> Subject: RE: [roch-pm] Accessing windows time format?
> On Wed, 3 Oct 2001, Derek J. Kalweit wrote:
> > Brian:
> >     Depends on the program that created the registry entry. It could
> > be a FILETIME structure, SYSTEMTIME structure, large
> integer indicating
> > seconds/ms past a specific date in 1970(I don't remember
> off-hand which
> > one), a proprietary structure/value, etc. You also can't be
> sure if the
> > time is GMT, local time, or adjusted local time(daylight
> savings time).
> > Date/time stuff is EXTREMELY extensive in Win32-- it can be a major
> > headache.
> >     Is the registry entry you're looking to read/write a system
> > entry, or something created by another program?  A path/value may be
> > helpful in determining what it is...
> The key is created by an application.  I know what the value
> decodes to,
> it just doesn't show up that way in the registry.  My plan is
> to run the
> value through whatever functions convert time, then see which
> one returns
> the right value.
> Here's the key and values:
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ComputerAssociates\InoculateIT\Ge
> tBBS\CurrentVersion]
> "NextDownload"=hex:00,a0,f3,f3,d8,63,c1,01
> "LastDownload"=hex:00,da,25,ca,36,4b,c1,01
> the "NextDownload" key is 11/02/2001 8:00PM in human time.  I can tell
> this by looking at the Options dialog box on the software.
> Even if it is one of those time types, how do you access
> these functions
> in Perl?  I've been doing all my Perling on UNIX.  I didn't
> see a module,
> so is it some type of OLE (or something) thing?
> --
> Brian Mathis
> Direct Edge
> http://www.directedge.com
> --
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