On Fri, 5 Oct 2001, Derek J. Kalweit wrote:
> Brian:
>     I'm not sure... I can't seem to make that data work by filling in
> any known win32 time-related structures, or by converting it to a large
> number indicating a time(not even by flipping the bit-ordering).  With
> more known values, it may be easier to decipher...
>     All Win32 structures are defined in full in the MSDN
> library(searchable on-line at http://msdn.microsoft.com/). Win32 API
> calls are documented in full in the same place. As to how to call this
> from Perl, I'm not sure. I used Perl a bit on *nix, but I've only barely
> touched ActivePerl on Win32...  I would hope there would be a module you
> could call win32 functions through-- or at least one you can use COM
> objects, in which case you can create a simple COM object in VC++ or
> even VB to wrap the win32 API functions you need. It would probably be
> easier to directly manipulate the binary, if you can decipher it...

I was halfway through trying to decipher it, and then the vendor released
a patch for the problem we were trying to hack around. :)  I guess that's
the way things go.

Thanks for your help.

Brian Mathis
Direct Edge

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