Jonathan Gordon wrote:
On 17/01/07, mat holton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jonathan Gordon wrote:
>> I second that. What problem are you trying to solve?
> Mostly my boredom.
> Also trying to think of ways to add functionality without affecting
> the core size.
> As for making a new plugin to do the whole wps, I thought everyone was
> against that idea?
Just out of interest, what's stopping anyone from making a plugin that
not only (re)implements the entire WPS but also a directory browser? Is
there anything? I.E. does the plugin API contain the necessary functions
for directory browsing? I'm just thinking that you could (if you really
wanted) have a graphical music browser this way, most importantly,
without messing up the core system.

Not that I particularly want one but I'm sure some people would and it
would be phun to implement!

Just off the top of my head I cant think of anything that a gui file
browser would need that isnt in the api already (and remember,
anything needed can always be added).

Hmm, this is quite interesting. One could totally rip off the (imho, rubbish) iPod browser this way! I know it sort of defeats the object of the entire exercise (rockbox) but it would still be fun to do :-)

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