On 9/20/07, Austin Appel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To put it short, do people think the time has come where we need to move to
> the split model?  #rockbox (for support), #rockbox-dev (for development),
> #rockbox-community (for offtopic and social)

While I'm in favor of cutting down the noise in #rockbox let me
propose a slightly different approach: why not just keep #rockbox for
development and extended support and direct all new users to
#rockbox-community and provice "basic" support there? I.e. just make
cgi::irc to join to #rockbox-community (and possibly allow joining
#rockbox) so all of those basic support goes there, and if a user has
more serious problems just deal with it in #rockbox as we did before?

 - Dominik

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