
On 13/10/2007 3:10 AM, Stéphane Doyon wrote:
> The patch was tested on e200, X5, and I believe someone tried it on one
> of the iRiver models.

That might have been me. But with your whole set of patches it seems to
not break anything. I will try your latest set today and tell you if I
find a problem.
Because I was using an older build with your old set from a while a go.

BTW did you commit anything that touched tree.c?
I seem to have problems browsing through files and directories.
The .talk might say.
Then when I arrow down it says
"c" then plays the next .talk clip.

Also the .talk delay is way too long in my opinion. So I might write a
patch up to shorten  it. I guess I would only need to modify two or
three lines.

I did think this issue was being caused by my battery status
notifications patch but it still happens on a clean svn.

BTW Did you get a chance to try out
It speaks battery levels when they hit a certain level.

Also what about your say file type patch?
What is stopping that from been committed


I'd like to help test the patches.  Any advice on how to patch into the 
firmware would be helpful.

If one of you can create a daily build with the patches for the Toshiba 
GigaBeate F60 and email it to me I will happily test it?

Lame I know but I would like to help...rocker

Daniel Dalton


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