Ok i'm going to address your points one by one,
"I deliberately renamed "Playback" to "Playback Settings" as I thought that
"Playback" appearing in the WPS context menu would be confusing - people
might expect it to be a menu with Play/Pause/Skip etc. in."

I don't understand why you think people would expect those functions to be in a menu? as all of these functions are available with single button presses from within the wps, and if they do expect them to be in a menu, well they haven't read the manual, also, just from a common sense point of view, it wouldn't be logical to have options such as skip or pause in a menu as they are very commonly used functions, so you'd just be making work for yourself if they were in a menu, I no your not thinking of putting them in a menu, but just the idea of those common functions being in a menu really doesn't make sense to me.

your next point
"I also didn't maintain the old name under Settings as I feel that the same
menu should be named the same from everywhere it is accessed."

On this, I agree with you, but my question to you is, why have the word settings after any of the menus, once you have gone into the option called settings? i mean isn't it fairly safe to assume that anything under the menu item settings, is by definition a setting to control something? so why not just have options called general playback etc? speaking now as a blind user, having the word settings spoken after every menu would really get on my nerves, and if that was implemented, i'd be going through the english.lang file whenever it was updated and altering all the strings that control how things are spoken to remove the word settings from the menus, or creating a patch to do that for me.

"Also, there are plenty of repeat uses of Settings under the Settings menu
(Sound Settings, General Settings, Theme Settings,...) so it wasn't a

it wasn't a precedent for settings in general, but it was specifically a precedent for the general settings menu, no other menus under general settings use the word settings.

"To be honest, I'd prefer to extend this further - for example, I find it
confusing that the Playlist Settings menu is currently named "Playlists"."

Why do you find this confusing? don't you normally just click on a playlist within the file browser? also to access it don't you have to go through the settings menu anyway? sorry if that's a stupid question, I don't use playlists at all, and I very rarely use the wps menu.

Lastly, sorry for this message being weird, but unfortunately outlook express was being very weird, and not letting me reply directly to your message, so I had to start a new message, and then copy and paste bits of your previous message into it, with my responses below.

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