Paul Louden wrote:
XavierGr wrote:

I have to agree, sentence case seems the way to go.
Title case is used mostly in English and not other languages.
Well this discussion is mostly about English, since pretty much no other language uses it regularly anyway and I don't think we'd impose title case on languages where it doesn't belong at all.

We're also specifically talking about British English, as that's the dialect Rockbox uses. Outside computing (which is predominantly US-English), title case is very rare.

In an attempt to conclude this thread, I would like to propose the following guidelines for strings in Rockbox:

1) All strings should use sentence case unless a language-specific exception has been agreed.

2) For languages where title case is common, list items (i.e. menu and settings labels) should use title case and text to appear in dialogs should be sentence case. e.g. "Resume Playback" and "Are you sure?".

This of course still leaves the question over whether Rockbox's British English lang file should use title case. I would definitely say no.

If Rockbox was ever to get a US-English language file (which I would have no objections to), then I would agree that that should use title case, as its use is common in the US.

Are there any other languages where title case is used?


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