On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 7:04 AM, Jonathan Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/10/27 Paul Louden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> For example, there's a legitimate argument that we
>> could just compromise on the spacing value rather than making it accept a
>> configurable string.
> Actually no, A simple strcat would be about as simple as it could be.

Why does this make the argument unlegitimate?

> I don't want to get personal, but 80+ people have been given the
> privilege/right to change the code as they see fit, sure there is a
> level of trust going both ways that it wont be abused and that commits
> will benefit the community, but really, there has never been
> discussion about changing the authoritative structure to something
> less democratic, so in reality, commit discussions are a courtesy. The

Why is it less democratic to require changes getting discussed before?
IMO that's even more democratic as no single individual can simply do
changes according to his / her liking but has to go through a somewhat
democratic process first. While it wouldn't be helpful or a good idea
to require all committers to do this on every single commit it isn't a
bad idea on questionable commits, larger features and the like.

> but there is a line. I guess now is as good a time as any to bring up
> the usual problem where people will ignore discussion and then
> complain after commit. But anyway, This is not the topic...

Well, I noticed some of these occasions got pointed to "it was sitting
on the tracker for x weeks" afterwards. I always find this quite
cheap, as the main discussion channels are IRC and the mailing list,
not the tracker. Also, and this is something that in fact could be
improved, the most discussions happen on IRC which is somewhat
problematic due to different time zones and the discussions being
mixed up with support and other talking, which makes it less
convenient and more time-consuming to follow. At least I don't find
the time to read through all logs, and I don't find the time to follow
all discussions even when I'm online. A less synchrounous medium like
email would improve that situation when it comes to questionable
things, at least from my point of view.

 - Dominik

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