gl wrote:

Are you saying you'd even know or care if replaygain was used? How would you possibly detect it if it was always on?

So if you don't want to use it, don't create files with replaygain in them.

Because I want my files as minimally processed as possible. And I want to preserve the original recording level. Why is not relevant, the option to do it is important.

If the file is provided by the original author with replaygain in it, that is the "correct" level by the author. Gain is adjusted in the mastering process anyway. So if files come with replaygain, that's actually how they're supposed to be, while if you rip them yourself you have the option. The option to do so is not important simply because a user finds it important. You still haven't answered whether or not you have a reasonable way to detect if it's happening. Or is this a case of placebo effect? "I know it's on, therefor they must sound worse."

And maybe I just should drop Rockbox and go back to vinyl. Just because it's not important to you doesn't mean it's not to anyone else (and being insulting doesn't further your argument).

Ah yes, because actually maintaining your music collection is completely similar to dumping Rockbox and going back to vinyl.

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