On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 09:24:16AM +0100, Rob Purchase wrote:
> Morning all,
> There has recently been some discussion and patches on Flyspray about  
> allowing button combinations using the HOLD switch, on players with  
> limited hardware buttons (eg. Cowon D2). An example usage is the option  
> in the D2 retail firmware to use the +/- buttons to skip tracks while in  
> hold mode, thus making the player usable while in a pocket or otherwise  
> out of sight.

> So, what I want to establish if there are any other objections, or  
> whether the above minor disadvantges are enough to keep a useful feature  
> out of Rockbox (and if so, why?).

On re-reading the thread, my impression is that the consensus is that
this proposed hold+buttons functionality is acceptable provided there
is a setting to turn it off. I don't know if there is a consensus on
what the default for that setting should be.


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Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
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