I just noticed that changing the commit message after the commit (as done in r28078) breaks <http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev;revision=28078> git/git svn/the rockbox git mirror.

The editing caused the git mirror to be out of sync, it has still the old message while git svn gets the new one from the svn server.

The problem: If you 'git pull' from the git mirror and then 'git svn rebase', every subsequent pull will fail (fail means it cannot "fast-forward" but it will *merge* causing the branch to be "different" from where you pull from even if you made no changes at all - if this is not clear for you I will try to explain it better in a following mail, just speak up).

This completely breaks my current work flow. git svn rebase is bad for publishing branches (like I do) since it breaks other people's checkouts everytime you execute it. That's why I usually merge master into my working branches to get upstream changes. This way people can follow my branches without badness. Also using merge, updating from upstream is *a whole lot* less of a PITA than with svn rebase.

So, what I'm asking is: Do we either re-clone the git mirror everytime this post-editing happens, or can we just stop using this svn feature again? Or do we decide to just don't care about developers (and users) using git?

I think this post-edit is a questionable thing anyway. We didn't need it for years and I think we still don't, especially when it comes with such a (major, for me) flaw.

Any ideas?

Best regards.

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