On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 19:39, Michael Sevakis <jethea...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> It has had significant testing not only by myself for a couple months but a
> few others over the last week or so and noone has reported any issues (not
> to me anyway).

I've experienced some minor issues now (on a Fuze V2):

* Soon after starting playback (a few minutes perhaps), it just stops.
Pause/play or rewind doesn't re-start playback, even if the WPS
updates as it should. Stop and resume works though. This has happened
two times for me now, so it isn't very frequent.

* Album art doesn't always show up immediately. If I exit the WPS and
return, it is displayed though. I haven't seen/tested it enough to
know if it only applies to certain types of album art.


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