OK, I have now created four new projects on Gerrit: rockbox, www,
themesite and translate. Between the four they currently contain all
the history in SVN. If all goes well these will become our final
repositories eventually. Currently they are completely read only (you
may not commit or even upload changes for review) in case I find I
need to recreate them, so you probably don't want to start using them
for any work. The sandbox project is still available for people to
experiment with. You can clone the new projects and have a play
around, though (also check out git ls-remote to see which refs exist
in the projects, not all refs will be cloned by default). As long as
nothing goes wrong you can keep that clone and just change the remote
URL once we move to the real server, so you won't have to download
everything again.

They are not being updated from svn automatically, so don't expect
them to always be up to date; they are up to date right now, but I'll
be doing updates manually so I have a chance to check for issues.

So, yeah, just letting you all know :) You don't have to clone them
now; only bother if you want to experiment :)

Torne Wuff

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