On 18/06/14 11:15, Thomas Martitz wrote:
> Can you please check if http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/ReleaseChecklist
> lacks any items that you've encountered?
> BTW, what happened that you became inactive?
> Best regards.

I can't see anything particularly obvious, but it has been a while since
last we did it - I'm sure there were little things here and there, but
nothing too major.

I'd suggest having a period before releasing if for nothing other than
translations.  If you want to do RCs there is a web page to build them
for you IIRC, but I can't quite remember how well it integrates into RBUtil.

As for me becoming rather inactive - nothing in particular, just a
combination of not really using Rockbox these days (I only use my phone
for music and sadly Rockbox isn't quite ready there*) and various things
in real life leaving less time just to hang around in the channel.


* although I noted the resolution scaling patch with interest, and would
love to use Rockbox - no other music players on Android are really any
good either.

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