Erm ... getting the list back into the loop about a recent update:

Am Fri, 04 Jul 2014 11:06:55 +0200
schrieb "Steph.MMyahoo" <>: 

> My nephew is interested,
> He has sent me a link with the kind of beat he would like to see 
> implemented :  

OK, I sent a build of rockbox directly to you off-list. The current
version of the patch implements patterns (see comment header) to
specify which beats are played with a Tick, Tock or not at all.

A shuffle-like beat you can create via

        shuffle: 0 12/12 120 x.xX.xx.xX..  

in a .tempo file. The flamenco beat should be captured by this one:

        solea: 0 12/4 180 xxXxxXxXxXxX

And we all should know this one:

        funky: 0 16/16 120 x.x.X..X.Xx.X..X

So, what's missing is implementing differing UI modes, adding one for
modifying the setup interactively like the old metronmome did. That
should enable a back-merger with the original one and send the patch on
a path to be included some time. Until then I expect some folks giving
hints on better integration into the code base (I didn't figure out how
to properly put all sources into a sub-directory and have the build
system really find it, for example).

The functionality I wanted is there now. There's also the speed trainer
functionality with tempo acceleration over time --- basically
metronome2 can play tempomap files from
with all options plus the addition of 0-bar tracks meaning endless.

So ... now you actually will have to nudge me into polishing the patch
since it does the job for me now and I can be happy;-)

Alrighty then,


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