A series of working groups, events and workshops at
_____-micro_research [Berlin]; an independent research centre focusing
on the expanded construction and experience of free software and open


October 26-30: aether9 in residency at _____-micro-research

October 27 19:00 UTC+2: aether9 in conference at rupert goldsworthy gallery

October 31 21:00 UTC+2: aether9 in performance at rupert goldsworthy gallery

November 7 14:00: data carving with Danja Vasiliev and Gordan Savicic

Forthcoming matter: 

tv programming, [micro-]cuisine, plotting, handmade logic


Æther9, an experiment in collaborative realtime storytelling is
gathering souls in a dramatically online fashion.

BERLIN will host a physical reunion, a séance, workshop, conspiracy,
residency, and eventually a performance.

During their one-week residency at _____-micro research [berlin], the
networked Æther9 members will meet in physical space for the first
time to redefine the evolution of the project, develop technical
applications, and re-experiment with new ideas which will explore the
scenographic potential of the medium. The foundations being
distributed authorship, cross-platform, and 'remote’ performance of
streaming audio and visual material to a nomadic HTML interface. This
event of live performances and video streams from vast locations will
take you to ‘the unexpected’ - a hyperdrive through space and

At the heart of the Æther9 project is the desire to fulfill the "old"
utopian dream of borderless communication. No frontiers. Developed by
an online networked group of international visual artists/collectives
working through Oceania, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and into the
Americas, Æther9 is a matrix for video/audio performance, and
collaborative hybrids of post-dramatic processes particular to these
new modes of digital communication. Using both “new“ and “low-tech“
technologies within multi-disciplinary art practices, Æther9 aims to
break the boundaries of spatial and cultural distances to democratize
the artistic voice within communication technology. The term of
“reality-jamming” catches the effect generated through this wildly
dispersed yet intimate collaboration of live sounds and images whose
fragmented glimpses of individual philosophical positions and
immediate surroundings transition across the global network in one
cross-planetary embrace.


[rupert goldsworthy gallery, Alexandrinenstrasse 4, 10969 Berlin] 



Workshops led by field-expert practitioners extend over realms of code
and embedded code, environmental code, noise, transmission and
reception, and electromysticism. Workshops solely utilise free
software and GNU toolbase.

Practitioners at pickledfeet have included Martin Kuentz
(p...@scrying.org), Julian Oliver (http://julianoliver.com), Derek
Holzer (http://soundtransit.nl), Jeff Mann (http://jeffmann.com),
Martin Howse (http://1010.co.uk), Kathrin Guenter
(http://www.fotokatie.com), Alice Miceli
(http://www.premiosergiomotta.org.br/blog/chernobyl2), Fredrik
Olofsson (http://www.fredrikolofsson.com/), Florian Cramer
(http://cramer.plaintext.cc:70/), Brendan Howell, jo FRGMNT
grys(http://tob.de.vu/), mikomikona
http://www.zuviel.tv/mikomikona.html, Antony Hall
(http://antonyhall.net), Gijs Gieskes (http://gieskes.nl/), Alexei
Blinov (http://www.raylab.com), Valentina Vuksic
(http://sei-personaggi-part2.ch/), Dave Griffiths
(http://www.pawfal.org), Marc Boon (http://www.marcboon.com),
Christian Faubel, Cordula Körber, and Ralf Schreiber
(http://ralfschreiber.com/), Roman Häfeli and Olsen Wolf
(http://www.netpd.org), Aymeric Mansoux and Jan-Kees van Kampen

_____-micro_research, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119

U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.

Telephone: 3050187482. 


_____-micro_research is supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Berlin 2009


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