Online-Lecture: Culture for Action: The Climate Museum in New York City With Dilshanie Perera & Anais Reyes, New York City In English Monday, 26th April 2021 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. (Central European Time), Online, Zoom
The Climate Museum, located in New York City, is the first museum in the United States dedicated to the climate crisis. The Museum's mission is to inspire action on climate change with programming across the arts and sciences that deepens understanding, builds connections, and advances just solutions. Dilshanie Perera and Anais Reyes will discuss the interdisciplinary work of the Museum, focusing on climate arts, community engagement, educational resources, and how cultural institutions can motivate collective action. Dilshanie Perera is the Mellon Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow in Climate and Inequality at the Climate Museum. During her doctoral research, Dilshanie conducted fieldwork in Bangladesh on uncertain weather, emergent risks, and long-standing structural dispossessions. Dilshanie holds a BA from the University of Chicago, an MA from the New School for Social Research, and a PhD in Anthropology from Stanford University. Anais Reyes is the Exhibitions Associate at the Climate Museum. She has previously worked at the American Museum of Natural History, the New Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Whitney Museum of American Art. She received her BFA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with concentrations in curation and entrepreneurship, and is currently pursuing a post-baccalaureate certificate in ecology, climate, and social sciences at Columbia University.<> Registration:<> The link will be sent to you after the registration. Culture for Action ist part of the Talk series "Future with a Future". A talk series on climate, art and education We humans are consuming the resources of two Earths. In doing so, we are exceeding the planetary limits of the one Earth we have and massively endangering the ecosystems that are the basis of our lives. Already, many people and other living things are suffering from the effects of the climate crisis - a situation that, without appropriate measures, will become drastically worse in the future. We must therefore limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and, recognizing the limits of our planet, take action. One thing is certain: the measures we take over the next ten years will have a decisive impact on the quality of life of people and animals in the future. Getting "into doing" requires encouraging narratives and positive visions of the future that draw on existing, diverse knowledge. In this series of talks, we ask: What was? What is? What should be? How can we - as individuals, as a group, as a society - tell stories about a desirable and livable future? What roles do creative, artistic and cultural forms of expression, as well as education and outreach, play in this? For this reason, we are inviting people to report from their academic, artistic and educational practices, to present ideas and projects and to discuss them with us. The talk series will accompany the research project "Spaces of Cultural Democracy" (, in which people from the fields of climate and sustainability research, social affairs and civil society, art and culture, education and outreach, communication and the digital realm work together to develop experimental spaces around the themes of "sustainability and climate change". The project is intended to be a creative platform and an open space for visions and thought experiments, inviting people to get involved, to help shape a Future with a Future and to make it concretely imaginable. This project is a cooperation between "Wissenschaft & Kunst" and the Salzburg Museum, and is funded by the Province of Salzburg. Conception and realization: Katharina Anzengruber and Elke Zobl, in cooperation with Sandra Kobel (Salzburg Museum). --------------------------- Mag. Roswitha Gabriel Wissenschaft und Kunst (Universität Salzburg & Mozarteum Salzburg) Referentin Programmbereich Zeitgenössische Kunst & Kulturproduktion // Contemporary Arts & Cultural Production Referentin Doktoratskolleg "Die Künste und ihre öffentliche Wirkung: Dynamiken des Wandels" Bergstraße 12, 5020 Salzburg 0043 662 8044 2383<><><><> -- rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze Archiv: Ent/Subskribieren: