Questions for debate on participatory democracy
project : 

        o       Do these methods bring greater legitimacy, better
governance, greater public confidence and support? 
        o       Do citizens’ consultations, citizens’ juries or
deliberative polls really work on the European scale
given the constraints of language and culture? 
        o       How to ensure fair recruitment and
“representativity” of deliberating sample? 
        o       On what European themes can such techniques have
real added value for policy makers? 

        o       Current projects are experimental.  How could they
be put on a more permanent footing? 
        o       What is the place of citizens’ consultations in
planning, implementing and evaluation phases of the
policy-making process? 
        o       What support can come from the world of academia,
civil society and journalists? 
        o       Who should do what and what types of partnership
are desirable between the European Commission,
foundations and other civil society actors? 

Asociatia/The Association"Proeducatia Rromilor Europeni in Contextul Integrarii 
Euro-Atlantice si Mondiale"Vizitati pagina the web page

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