Ok, for those of you who were not following the action on #citadel today, 
here's a wrap-up...  
 Our plan was to "follow the clock" for the Citadel 6.70 announcement, 
starting in Germany and then announcing it in the US a few hours later.  
Unfortunately, shortly after the announcement went up on www.pro-linux.de, 
the www.citadel.org server crashed.  The night shift operator replaced the 
hardware, but the various databases on the system were corrupted.  
 Xand's database backup policy is to do database dumps and then back those 
up to tape, so restoring should have been simple, but... for about two 
hours I thought our dumps were corrupt too.  As it turns out, Mambo/Joomla 
uses some field names that became reserved words in MySQL 5.0.  After 
discovering this I had to rename the fields in the dump, restore the dump, 
then go in with phpMyAdmin and rename them back.  
 The box continued crashing (bad hardware) throughout the day, so I moved 
the site onto another server.  
 In order to keep the chaos from proliferating even more, we decided to 
hold off on the US announcement until tomorrow.  

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