Thoughts on the maintenance of Windows packages...

 >How should we handle compile bugs, or bugs which seem to work their way out
 >into view during testing? Likewise, I am using Cygwin to do the builds since
 >it is a common tool available for this sort of activity. The code, therefore,
 >is the very same, unmodifed source that is traditionally used on a *nix

My initial thought is that we should simply consider Cygwin to be just "one
more flavor of unix" upon which we have to test.  If something breaks in
that build, we work around it, just as we would work around other
problematic unix flavors such as OpenBSD.

Is it safe to guess that you are at least keeping up with the source tree
in svn?  If not, that would be the first place to start.  As the port
progresses, I'd be very happy if you could figure out a way to get Citadel
and WebCit to be installed as true Windows services.

setup programs already have the ability to offer several different front
ends for user dialogs.  If you want, we can add a Windows mode for that too.

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