>* we don't minify our JS; since JSMin is available under the BSD
>(http://crockford.com/javascript/jsmin) should we add it to webcits make
>install process (we don't need to distribute it... ) and compress our
>javascript files while installing?
We could probably save a few cycles by minifying our JavaScript, but I'm
not sure where to do it. I wonder if it would make sense to do it as part
of the bootstrap process? It really would make life difficult for us
developers though.
Most of our JavaScript calls are where they need to be ... we can't move
them to the end of the page because we don't always know where the end of
the page is going to be ... there are a lot of conditionals.
Expires headers are easy. All you have to do is go into webcit.c and
locate the function called http_transmit_thing(). Oops ... ok, looks like
I already did that. Instead, you want to look in the function called
output_headers(). You'll see that if 'cache' is nonzero, we allow the
browser to cache the page. For that, you'll see that if the page is
cacheable we send a "Cache-control:" header.
So if you want to do an "Expires:" header as well, all you have to do is
calculate a timestamp that's 24 hours for now, convert it to a string
using http_datestring(), and output it in that function.