I don't think Queasy Install is available at all right now.  
 Today I did some troubleshooting for a customer who happened to be 
running Citadel.  The trouble report was "mail is no longer forwarding" 
which to someone who knows the system a little better would actually 
translate to "my Sieve script is no longer running."  
 Turned out the real problem was "citserver crashes when Sieve gets around 
to processing this one message in my inbox" and that's exactly what was 
happening -- every time a new message arrived in the inbox, Sieve would 
start up, but it would start with the first unhandled message -- which 
happened to be the corrupt one.  And it would crash again.  
 The customer didn't know that citserver was crashing because WebCit and 
IMAP clients happily reconnect to citserver, which of course restarts 
after a crash (rather quickly, in this case, because it's fast hardware).  

 I wonder how many of the people reporting Sieve trouble in the support 
forum are actually having this kind of problem, and simply don't know it?  
 (Feel free to reply "duh, ig ... we already knew that" if this has 
already been discussed and I missed it.)  

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