Seems like a good path. I am working on some wiring in our new bakery this
week, so I might not be around much, but I will check in each day and see how
things are, and if you are at a place where you need me to test it.  


Thank you for all your work!  
>  Sun Jul 02 2017 12:22:57 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored 
>Subject: Re: Next steps...
>    Text client finished and checked into git master. This can be tested by
>logging in using the text client as an admin and doing 
><.A>ide <U>ser edit 
>on the user in question. There is a new prompt "Edit this user's Internet
>email addresses?" and if you answer Yes it will display all of the user's
>current Internet email addresses and allow you to add/delete addresses. 
>Invalid addresses, including addresses which already belong to another user,
>are silently discarded. 
>Next steps: 
>1. Implement the same change in WebCit-classic 
>2. Test and publish to production 
>3. Finalize the heuristics for published/unpublished address book entries;
>implement, test, and publish to production 
>4. Maybe have a look at that DB->compact() function, and if it works the way
>we expect, find a good place to put it in the server (probably as an optional
>final step in the auto-purger) 
>5. Then back to WebCit-NG! 



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