IG, I will gladly test it out. I have a clone of my dataset which I can use
for some heavy hitting testing once I try it out on a fresh install. I
shouldn't hit any surprises when switching which git repo I build from (apart
from editing my script to no longer require c-ares, etc).  


I think the questions you had about copying email addresses and such are good
things to consider, and this is a point where systems based on their use
model would diverge. In a corporate or organizational environment, the
general practice is to not trust the user with that kind of responsibility
and it should be controlled by HR or someone responsible (an Aide) to decide
what is published, and whether it is able to be seen etc. In a public setting
like a traditional BBS, it is as you say, more of a "Come find me here,
because I am the only one who knows where else to find me, so if I don't edit
it, you don't get it..." It would be good to support both models, with the
initial setting being made at install perhaps, or at least within the
configuration that a typical system needs to go through to setup. I have more
thoughts, but I would like to test it out a little first.  

If you are on pause until I get back to you (which realistically will be
towards the end of the week) it would be good to make progress on webcit-ng
(if you can without knowing exactly how the UI will be because of changes to
the data model), or if you can put a little love into webcit classic to get
people by until ng, you would save me half my time in support calls.   


So many people have troubles when using the webcit interface with messages
being lost because they took too long to type it, and it did not auto save to
draft, or their draft folder is somehow owned by someone else, or other such
things. Is it possible to implement auto-save from within webcit and also
make a way once something is saved as a draft to be able to go into edit mode
and finish sending it?  

>  Mon Jul 10 2017 09:41:51 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored 
>Subject: Re: Next steps...
>WebCit-classic has been updated to edit a user's Internet email address[es]
>from the "edit configuration" screen instead of the "edit address book entry"
>screen, which is not just a cosmetic change; it is also using the new server
>bennabiy: if you have time this week, please give it some testing.  Then
>I'd be interested in hearing your opinion about when, if at all, we copy the
>email addresses from the user account configuration (which is settable only
>by an administrator) to the vCard (which is settable by the user).   Right
>now the users can put anything they want in there.  It's basically a
>publishable thing.  On a public system like Uncensored it also has
>usefulness in a "where else can you contact me" context.  Optionally we
>could make most of it immutable and have it auto-generated by the system.
> I'm not sure what to do here.  Either way, we will use the "unlisted user"
>option to govern whether the vCard is pushed out to the Global Address Book
>or not.  
>Once again I have to say I'm a lot more comfortable with this data model
>than with the previous one.  



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