IG, I know you are laid up, but I am running into some trouble on my
production machine, and it appears that while it seemed to be running fine,
my more recent backups are all corrupted to some degree and give the
following indication.  

>/usr/local/citadel/data# ls -lah  
>total 57G  
>drwx------  2 citadel citadel  36K Aug  4 14:33 .  
>drwxr-xr-x 16 citadel citadel 4.0K Aug 11 19:23 ..  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root    4.1G Aug 11 19:22 cdb.00  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root    112K Aug 11 19:23 cdb.01  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root    1.6M Aug 11 19:23 cdb.02  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root     16K Aug 11 19:21 cdb.03  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root    2.9M Aug 11 19:22 cdb.04  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root    1.4M Aug 11 19:23 cdb.05  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root     44K Aug 11 19:22 cdb.06  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root     12K Apr 14 03:00 cdb.07  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root     52G Aug 11 19:22 cdb.08  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root    176M Aug  4 10:48 cdb.09  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root    300K Aug 11 19:22 cdb.0a  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root     28K Jul  5 10:04 cdb.0b  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root    8.0K Jan 26  2017 cdb.0c  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root    8.0K Aug 11 19:22 cdb.0d  
>-rw-------  1 citadel root     10M Jul 28 23:01 log.0000000001  
>-rw-------  1 citadel citadel  10M Aug  2 21:47 log.0000022227  
>-rw-------  1 citadel citadel  10M Aug  3 23:16 log.0000022658  
>-rw-------  1 citadel citadel  10M Aug  3 23:57 log.0000022667  
>-rw-------  1 citadel citadel  10M Aug 11 19:23 log.0000022821  
>/usr/local/citadel/data# /usr/local/ctdlsupport/bin/db_recover -c  
>db_recover: Log file corrupt at LSN: [1][525039]  
>db_recover: PANIC: Invalid argument  
>db_recover: process-private: unable to find environment  
>db_recover: DB_ENV->open: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery



Is there a way to dive deep and try to recover the DB and what caused the log
files to get jammed up (notice there are a few stuck)

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