Not sure if it was the right thing to do, but I just moved those log files
which were not current and were causing issues to a different directory, and
then ran db_recover etc again. Seemed fine. We will see.  
>  Fri Aug 11 2017 07:35:12 PM EDT from bennabiy @ Uncensored  Subject: DB
>IG, I know you are laid up, but I am running into some trouble on my
>production machine, and it appears that while it seemed to be running fine,
>my more recent backups are all corrupted to some degree and give the
>following indication.  
>>/usr/local/citadel/data# ls -lah  
>>total 57G  
>>drwx------  2 citadel citadel  36K Aug  4 14:33 .  
>>drwxr-xr-x 16 citadel citadel 4.0K Aug 11 19:23 ..  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root    4.1G Aug 11 19:22 cdb.00  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root    112K Aug 11 19:23 cdb.01  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root    1.6M Aug 11 19:23 cdb.02  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root     16K Aug 11 19:21 cdb.03  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root    2.9M Aug 11 19:22 cdb.04  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root    1.4M Aug 11 19:23 cdb.05  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root     44K Aug 11 19:22 cdb.06  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root     12K Apr 14 03:00 cdb.07  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root     52G Aug 11 19:22 cdb.08  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root    176M Aug  4 10:48 cdb.09  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root    300K Aug 11 19:22 cdb.0a  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root     28K Jul  5 10:04 cdb.0b  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root    8.0K Jan 26  2017 cdb.0c  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root    8.0K Aug 11 19:22 cdb.0d  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel root     10M Jul 28 23:01 log.0000000001  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel citadel  10M Aug  2 21:47 log.0000022227  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel citadel  10M Aug  3 23:16 log.0000022658  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel citadel  10M Aug  3 23:57 log.0000022667  
>>-rw-------  1 citadel citadel  10M Aug 11 19:23 log.0000022821  
>>/usr/local/citadel/data# /usr/local/ctdlsupport/bin/db_recover -c  
>>db_recover: Log file corrupt at LSN: [1][525039]  
>>db_recover: PANIC: Invalid argument  
>>db_recover: process-private: unable to find environment  
>>db_recover: DB_ENV->open: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database

>Is there a way to dive deep and try to recover the DB and what caused the
>log files to get jammed up (notice there are a few stuck)  



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