Apologies for the big delay; I'm having *hellish* times at part time job and I was not able to keep looking into Citadel. Literally got sick due to these past 3 weeks...

Anyway, I tried getting started with gdb.

Attached gdb to citadel service
gdb -p <xxx>         where xxx = citadel service PID number

Set breakpoint at line 406 in serv_xmpp.c (it didn't let me in serv_xmpp.h, said "no such source file")
(gdb) b serv_xmpp.c:406

Started Pidgin on a Windows pc, opened its debug window, and attempted to connect to Citadel xmpp server.

Hit "next" at gdb lots of times, at several times getting messages "xxxxx.c no such file or directory", yet continuing the debugging with no problems seemingly.

Finally got to serv_xmpp's line 406, hit "next" a few times... confirmed it always jumps from line 409 to 430, then 436. The needed "if" block for the stanza never enters.

I tried to print output of XMPP function during lines 4xx
(gdb) p *XMPP

Always resulted in "no symbol XMPP in this context".

Not sure if it's because gdb expects all source code to exist locally in server at certain exact paths (while easy install script always deletes all source code after installing), or because Citadel is built without debug options in make file, or any other thing...

IGnatius, could I ask you for a bit of help in this?

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