Greetings Art

I manage to run the AppImage, but I can't login

 * Using my correct username and password, it does not show any message
   and does not change the page.
 * If I try to use invalid credentials, an error message tells me that
   the user does not exist or the password is invalid.

This is my results:

   Checking to make sure Citadel is not already running...

   Checking this AppImage compatibility with your host system...
   /tmp/.mount_citadeK8ysof/usr/local/citadel/citserver: binary
   compatibility confirmed

   In what directory will you run Citadel? [/usr/local/citadel]
   Checking this operating system for systemd...

   Checking for old startup files.

   Ready to install /home/sys1/citadel-1617821022-x64.appimage in
   Copying the AppImage...
   Creating the systemd unit file...

   Enabling the service...
   Created symlink
   /etc/systemd/system/ →

   Starting the service...

   Installation has completed.
   Please continue by browsing to http://em2:80

Using the command *test* looks good!

   root@em2:/home/sys1# ./citadel-1617821022-x64.appimage test
   /tmp/.mount_citadeOJ2v6t/usr/local/citadel/citserver: binary
   compatibility confirmed

   root@em2:/home/sys1# ./citadel-1617821022-x64.appimage -h
   /usr/local/citadel test
   /tmp/.mount_citadeLbqqNJ/usr/local/citadel/citserver: binary
   compatibility confirmed

1. What effect would it have if I run *database_cleanup* with my backup+data in the DB?

   root@em2:/home/sys1# ./citadel-1617821022-x64.appimage --help
   getopt: unrecognized option '--help'
   /home/sys1/citadel-1617821022-x64.appimage: usage:
   /home/sys1/citadel-1617821022-x64.appimage [-h data_directory] [-p
   http_port] [-s https_port] command
   command must be one of: run, test, install, database_cleanup


On 4/7/21 12:50 PM, IGnatius T Foobar wrote:
[ ] This version of the AppImage uses the same version of Berkeley DB as the
one used in Easy Install.  This means if you've tried the AppImage before
but it choked on an existing database, now is the time to try again!
I'll update the ARM version soon.

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