After a reboot it can't run

   As root:
   # uptime
   12:25:29 up 0 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

   # ls -l
   total 10392
   -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10641384 May  2 15:05

   # ./citadel-1619988875-x86_64.appimage run
   ctdlvisor: Welcome to the Citadel System, brought to you using AppImage.
   ctdlvisor: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /tmp/.mount_citadewfMrsn/usr/lib
   ctdlvisor: PATH = /tmp/.mount_citadewfMrsn/usr/bin
   ctdlvisor: APPDIR = /tmp/.mount_citadewfMrsn
   ctdlvisor: data directory = /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor: HTTP port = 80
   ctdlvisor: HTTPS port = 443
   ctdlvisor: citserver running on pid=424
   ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTP) running on pid=425
   ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTPS) running on pid=426
   ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_citadewfMrsn/usr/local/webcit/webcit
   ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_citadewfMrsn/usr/local/webcit/webcit
   ctdlvisor: executing
   /tmp/.mount_citadewfMrsn/usr/local/citadel/citserver with data
   directory /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor: pid=424 exited, status=26880, exitcode=105
   ctdlvisor: citserver exited intentionally - ending AppImage session
   ctdlvisor: pid=425 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: pid=426 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: pid=-1 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: exit code 105

   As administrador with sudo:
   $ sudo ./citadel-1619988875-x86_64.appimage run
   ctdlvisor: Welcome to the Citadel System, brought to you using AppImage.
   ctdlvisor: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /tmp/.mount_citade9UHd8d/usr/lib
   ctdlvisor:            PATH = /tmp/.mount_citade9UHd8d/usr/bin
   ctdlvisor:          APPDIR = /tmp/.mount_citade9UHd8d
   ctdlvisor:  data directory = /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor:       HTTP port = 80
   ctdlvisor:      HTTPS port = 443
   ctdlvisor: citserver running on pid=413
   ctdlvisor: executing
   /tmp/.mount_citade9UHd8d/usr/local/citadel/citserver with data
   directory /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTP) running on pid=414
   ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_citade9UHd8d/usr/local/webcit/webcit
   ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_citade9UHd8d/usr/local/webcit/webcit
   ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTPS) running on pid=415
   ctdlvisor: pid=413 exited, status=26880, exitcode=105
   ctdlvisor: citserver exited intentionally - ending AppImage session
   ctdlvisor: pid=414 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: pid=415 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: pid=-1 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: exit code 105

I had to delete the entire directory to be able to use it again.

On 5/4/21 12:23 PM, s3cr3to wrote:
When trying to send an external mail the app crashes.; then I try to run the app again and it does not start.

    ./citadel-1619988875-x86_64.appimage run
    ctdlvisor: Welcome to the Citadel System, brought to you using
    ctdlvisor: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /tmp/.mount_citadee2euCe/usr/lib
    ctdlvisor:            PATH = /tmp/.mount_citadee2euCe/usr/bin
    ctdlvisor:          APPDIR = /tmp/.mount_citadee2euCe
    ctdlvisor:  data directory = /usr/local/citadel
    ctdlvisor:       HTTP port = 80
    ctdlvisor:      HTTPS port = 443
    ctdlvisor: citserver running on pid=559
    ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTP) running on pid=560
    ctdlvisor: executing
    /tmp/.mount_citadee2euCe/usr/local/citadel/citserver with data
    directory /usr/local/citadel
    ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTPS) running on pid=561
    ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_citadee2euCe/usr/local/webcit/webcit
    ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_citadee2euCe/usr/local/webcit/webcit
    ctdlvisor: pid=559 exited, status=139, exitcode=0
    ctdlvisor: citserver crashed on signal 11
    ctdlvisor: citserver running on pid=577
    ctdlvisor: executing
    /tmp/.mount_citadee2euCe/usr/local/citadel/citserver with data
    directory /usr/local/citadel
    ctdlvisor: pid=577 exited, status=26880, exitcode=105
    ctdlvisor: citserver exited intentionally - ending AppImage session
    ctdlvisor: pid=560 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
    ctdlvisor: pid=561 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
    ctdlvisor: pid=-1 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
    ctdlvisor: exit code 105

    *:: I try to run the app again and it does not start.*

    # ./citadel-1619988875-x86_64.appimage run
    ctdlvisor: Welcome to the Citadel System, brought to you using
    ctdlvisor: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /tmp/.mount_citadeY1BsAm/usr/lib
    ctdlvisor:            PATH = /tmp/.mount_citadeY1BsAm/usr/bin
    ctdlvisor:          APPDIR = /tmp/.mount_citadeY1BsAm
    ctdlvisor:  data directory = /usr/local/citadel
    ctdlvisor:       HTTP port = 80
    ctdlvisor:      HTTPS port = 443
    ctdlvisor: citserver running on pid=585
    ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTP) running on pid=586
    ctdlvisor: executing
    /tmp/.mount_citadeY1BsAm/usr/local/citadel/citserver with data
    directory /usr/local/citadel
    ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTPS) running on pid=587
    ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_citadeY1BsAm/usr/local/webcit/webcit
    ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_citadeY1BsAm/usr/local/webcit/webcit
    ctdlvisor: pid=585 exited, status=26880, exitcode=105
    ctdlvisor: citserver exited intentionally - ending AppImage session
    ctdlvisor: pid=586 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
    ctdlvisor: pid=587 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
    ctdlvisor: pid=-1 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
    ctdlvisor: exit code 105

    # ./citadel-1619988875-x86_64.appimage run
    ctdlvisor: Welcome to the Citadel System, brought to you using
    ctdlvisor: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /tmp/.mount_citadexElO0t/usr/lib
    ctdlvisor:            PATH = /tmp/.mount_citadexElO0t/usr/bin
    ctdlvisor:          APPDIR = /tmp/.mount_citadexElO0t
    ctdlvisor:  data directory = /usr/local/citadel
    ctdlvisor:       HTTP port = 80
    ctdlvisor:      HTTPS port = 443
    ctdlvisor: citserver running on pid=595
    ctdlvisor: executing
    /tmp/.mount_citadexElO0t/usr/local/citadel/citserver with data
    directory /usr/local/citadel
    ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTP) running on pid=596
    ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTPS) running on pid=597
    ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_citadexElO0t/usr/local/webcit/webcit
    ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_citadexElO0t/usr/local/webcit/webcit
    ctdlvisor: pid=595 exited, status=26880, exitcode=105
    ctdlvisor: citserver exited intentionally - ending AppImage session
    ctdlvisor: pid=596 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
    ctdlvisor: pid=597 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
    ctdlvisor: pid=-1 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
    ctdlvisor: exit code 105

I have already checked that it is not running.

    # ls -la /usr/local/citadel
    total 3284
    drwxr-xr-x  6 root root    4096 May  4 12:17 .
    drwxr-xr-x 11 root root    4096 Apr 14 14:06 ..
    srwx------  1 root root       0 May  4 12:14 citadel-admin.socket
    -rw-rw-rw-  1 root root       0 May  4 12:18 citadel.lock
    srwxrwsrwx  1 root root       0 May  4 12:14 citadel.socket
    -rw-------  1 root root 5980160 May  4 12:17 core
    drwx------  2 root root    4096 May  4 12:14 data
    drwx------  2 root root    4096 May  4 12:14 files
    drwx------  2 root root    4096 May  4 12:14 keys
    srwxrwsrwx  1 root root       0 May  4 12:14 lmtp.socket
    srwxrwsrwx  1 root root       0 May  4 12:14 lmtp-unfiltered.socket
    drwx------  2 root root    4096 May  4 12:14 messages

    # ps -eaf|grep cit
    root       602   512  0 12:21 pts/0    00:00:00 grep cit

    # ./citadel-1619988875-x86_64.appimage test
    /tmp/.mount_citademu6Kac/usr/local/citadel/citserver: binary
    compatibility confirmed

On 5/2/21 3:20 PM, IGnatius T Foobar wrote:
Check for new AppImage builds. This one doesn't *fix* any server crashes, but when the server does crash
it will save a backtrace in /tmp that you can upload here, so we can figure
out what's going wrong.
Hopefully. :)

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