I'm away on vacation right now and casually browsing the changes.  I'll give
it a good thorough testing when I'm back at my desk after the weekend, but
so far I'm quite impressed.  It looks like the changes really follow not just
the coding style, but the *design* style of the existing Citadel system. 
Some things -- like CtdlUserGoto() -- look even cleaner. 
 Unless something comes up that needs an emergency fix, we will stay at version
980 until this merge request has been accepted and tested.  When I am back
at my desk after the weekend I will try it out with a copy of the production
database from Uncensored and see how it goes.  It's basically the acid test
because after 35 years of nonstop operation there's a little of everything
in there. 
 No one else is actively working on the server core right now so there shouldn't
be a lot of merge conflicts, if any.  As I sit here on
the balcony overlooking the ocean and sipping a tasty beverage, I am poking
around on WebCit-NG, so I have a lot of commits this week but nothing on the
server core.  But for now I am signing off because it's time to go out and
do something fun.  Thanks for your help! 

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