I just realized that a Seen message set of *:2099348686 means all messages
have been seen.  Were all your messages unseen before the upgrade?  I do
ignore Visit records when upgrading that look bad.  If they got skipped, the
message set would be blank and all messages would show as unseen after the
upgrade.  Can you check in the log to see what the message says about the
conversion.  Should show a count of any records were invalid/skipped.  
>  Wed Jul 05 2023 01:48:13 PM EDT from HarlowSolutions  Subject: Re: Merge
>Request: Support_IMAP_Flagged_Deleted_Draft_Recent_flags
>I was trying to figure out how to reject the request myself.  Does not look
>like you can.  I Googled and others were talking about how GitLab was
>lacking that option.  If you can figure out how to reject or delete it, I
>will not be offended unless you don't tell me how :-)  Otherwise I will just
>update the branch and I think the request will get updated.  
>Thanks for the string.  I will play with it.  In my testing, the upgrade
>worked on Seen, but not very extensive examples.  



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