Yet another regression. Revision breaks up VBox 
testcd runtime, due to pool corruption bugchecks. Its been 37h since it 
started. Can we have it fixed or reverted? This is our sole working testbot, so 
it could be important.

I know that introducing new features to ReactOS is cool, but unfortunately, 
once again we, the testers, are left alone with the bugs introduced by them. 
Its kinda hard to me, as I often feel as some kind of oppressor, pointing out 
that something fails, only to hear back that its my or no one's problem.

Yes, i am aware that i could probably avert it by disabling ACPI in testbot's 
VM. I am not going to do this for at least two reasons:
- if i do so, everyone will feel contempt once more and forget about this, 
until it crops up sometime in the future, requiring a regtesting then. Now 
guess who will be asked to do so, and why that person is going to be a tester;
- if this ACPI implementation is mature enough to be ENABLED by DEFAULT, it 
should at least work in VBOX. This is why i did patchbot for, but 
unfortunately, too many prefer to commit to trunk (and not fix it up then);

No testman's results? Anyone cares? Naah, lets have a few more features. Just 
when would you like to have a new release? Until end of the year? Forget it...

Best regards

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