One thing I didn't notice being mentioned. Windows xp (and 2003) indeed
runs on old computers but it won't budge on anything less than a Pentium 1.
Expectedly, somewhat.

Windows 7 (and Vista) runs on a K6-2. These were tested by me. I still
haven't managed to try the original K6 or the K5 processors. During the
availability of the Vista beta version, there was a guy who reportedly had
it installed on a K5.

Before you say omg it would be hellishly slow, the trick is to have a DX9
compliant video card installed. That will enable Aero and make things
reasonable. ReactOS already uses the video card to render the interface
afaik, so that's even better.

On Friday, May 20, 2016, Javier Agustìn Fernàndez Arroyo <>

> 4th scenario - App is actually "buggy" and doesnt check for any export.
> We´re fucked up :P
> On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 12:56 PM, Love Nystrom <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> Correct me if I'm wrong (Alex?), but isn't the biggest difference
>> between kernel 5.2 and 6.x that 6.x is *paging the kernel* ?
>> (A huge design mistake if you ask me. One I bet will bite MS on the a**.
>> If the kernel gets too fat it needs liposuction, not paging.)
>> IMHO, adding new APIs, while keeping the (non-paging) kernel seems ideal.
>> Best Regards
>> // Neo
>> On 2016-05-19 05.43,
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');> wrote:
>> Subject:
>> Re: [ros-dev] Pale Moon drops ReactOS support
>> From:
>> Alex Ionescu <>
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
>> Date:
>> 2016-05-19 02.33
>> To:
>> ReactOS Development List <>
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
>> I don't believe I said 'let's add random exports to our DLLs'. In
>> fact, in your old thread, I was totally FOR your idea, I even wrote
>> that the only sane way of doing it is with the app compat work.
>> On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 9:27 PM, Timo Kreuzer <> 
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');> wrote:
>> > We have been discussing this before and I wonder that Alex is not heavily> 
>> > opposing the idea of randomly adding new exports to our user mode DLLs. 
>> > It> is a well known fact that applications check for existance of exports 
>> > to> decide how to behave, so ... not going to go over this again.>> To 
>> > addess this issue I suggested to implement a compatibility layer. And> 
>> > there was a detailed discussion about that on this mailing list.> 
>> >>> Please 
>> > take your time to read the whole thread again so we can avoid wasting> 
>> > time, talking about the same things again.>> Timo
>> --
>> There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world,
>> and that's an idea whose time has come. [Victor Hugo]
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>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
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