Somehow it reminds me to the release/capture issues GIMP is showing with the 
De: Ros-dev <> en nombre de Giannis Adamopoulos 
Enviado: martes, 21 de febrero de 2017 11:50:04
Para: ReactOS Development List
Asunto: Re: [ros-dev] Office (Excel, Word...) 2010 on ReactOS

Hi! This is excellent news! It's good to know that Samuel started working again 
on ntlm. I guess the most productive way to help him complete it would be to 
write several tests for it (and also convert Samuel's test to formal tests). 
Not only will it help Samuel but will help you understand ntlm yourself and 
then help Samuel. (It is not like I knew anything about activation contexts 
before. It was the tests I wrote that helped me come up with clever way to let 
our comctl32 really do what both versions of comctl32).

Keep up the good work!

PS: regarding the capture problems I would suggest writing more tests! (Win32k 
is so hard to come right that you are searching in the dark unless you test it 
thoroughly). My instinct says that this is the same bug with the spider 
solitaire where the last card isn't released when you win a game. There is a 
bug report for that but I don't remember the number. I think that if the mouse 
button is released we should also release capture (and this needs testing, 
perhaps even interactive testing).


ReactOS Development List <> wrote on Tue, February 21st, 
2017, 2:59 AM:
> Hello everyone,
> Today I was finally able to finish the installation of Office 2010 in
> ReactOS, using as a temporary measure the Wine’s NTLM layer that calls into
> the ntlm_auth utility of Samba. This was done while Samuel is completing his
> NTLM implementation.
> As this wine layer is here running on ReactOS, few modifications were
> needed, and I also needed to find a Windows build of Samba. I’ve found one,
> by chance, at . Then, using ReactOS revision 73868
> (or later), and using this version of Samba, the Office installation
> finishes (reminder: the problem was due to the fact the installer needed
> NTLM to communicate with the “Office Software Platform Service”,
> OSPPSVC.EXE). We are now able to use Excel, Word, … on ReactOS, as shown in
> this picture:
> There are now 2 main problems:
> - NTLM should be correctly implemented;
> - There are an awful lot of drawing problems with Office 2010 applications
> (similar to those of Office 2007 apps): for example, dragging the graph
> downwards shows his frame going upwards; there are many black regions that
> show up, etc...: It seems we have problems in coordinate frames. And other
> problems too. Also, we have some mouse capture problems: if you try to
> redimension the windows the normal way (bring mouse cursor on top of the
> border, left-click-maintained, move mouse, release left button), and then
> move the mouse inside the window, it continues to be redimensioned...
> As a result, I took ~=15 minutes to make this simple trivial picture above,
> almost all the time taken to fight against window dimensioning & the drawing
> problems.
> But anyways, enjoy !
> This will be part of my next blog report.
> Cheers,
> Hermès
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