Much thanks to all of you, David, Matthias and Colin! These are good news for me. :)

Colin Finck wrote:
The sentence in the Wiki is simply too broad and should be changed.

I highly aggree with Colin to **specify the conditions more precisely**. It should be easy -even for a non-lawyer- to understand. Implications and explanations are also welcome. Is there a bold member (or even better a lawyer) with write access power?

I also suggest to put this legal advice onto its **own page** (maybe as the very first section on the Wiki's start page with its own icon) and to refer to that page where neccessary. Currently, it's very hard to find, because it's on a page describing building ReactOS, which, in contrast, should be legal anyway.

By the way, on the Wiki's start page, I would change the first link under "BUILDING" to "Getting the Source code (Subversion)" since it's title is "Subversion" (and for the case I want to find all the neccessary information about Subversion).

In addition, beside development, there exist other ways of contribution like **translating, writing documentation and testing**. Are these activities also **legally restricted?**


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