Hi all!

As you all know, our #reactos-dev IRC channel has been a moderated IRC
channel for decades, and only operators (devs) and voiced people can
talk. While we always tried to keep discussions dev-related there, no
topic has ever been enforced on #reactos. The result is that I see a
notable number of developers only on #reactos-dev these days.

This is a pretty bad situation! Emerging developers hardly have a way to
interact with all existing devs on IRC. Often enough, legitimate
questions from them remain unanswered on #reactos. Moreover, we don't
maintain the list of voiced people thoroughly, so even some contributors
have to ask for temporary voice on #reactos-dev.

Keep in mind that we're currently in the GSoC phase where students shall
submit their proposals and get in touch with the developers.
How are they going to do this on IRC if #reactos-dev continues to be an
exclusive club?

Because of these reasons, I'm proposing to remove the moderation bit on
#reactos-dev and let everybody talk there.
Its development topic should be enforced though! As soon as people get
too off-topic, they should be directed to #reactos and kicked if nothing
else helps. Given that all devs are already operators on #reactos-dev,
it's fully in their hands.



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