Hi all!

We had our annual General Assembly of ReactOS Deutschland e.V. today.
Many things were discussed which are better discussed with the entire
ReactOS Team, which is why all of us agreed on reinstating the recurring
ReactOS Meetings we had until February 2019.
Let's try out a bi-monthly schedule, with the first meeting happening on

    Thursday, January 30, 2020
    19:00 UTC
    Mattermost private channel "Meeting"

If you're currently not part of this channel, but think you should be,
please contact me.

I'm already announcing this, so we can collect topics for the meeting.
Current points on the agenda:

* Compiling an up-to-date list of tasks to work on, for newcomers, GSoC
candidates, and developers to hire.
Can already be started now by taking
https://reactos.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2019_Ideas, copying it to
"Google Summer of Code 2020", cleaning it up and adding new stuff. Maybe
we also need to manage that with JIRA in the future.

* RosBE 2.2, and what's blocking it, if it hasn't happened by then
* ReactOS 0.4.13, and what's blocking it, if it hasn't happened by then

Just reply if you have anything to add.



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